Seventeen and a half years ago I embarked on a journey having no idea where it would take me. Dressed in a plaid jumper with my hair pulled back as tightly as Mama could get it, I walked into the classroom for the first time as a student. In kindergarten, I wanted to be a teacher. I probably also wanted to be a teacher in first grade, second, third, forth, and fifth as well. By the time sixth grade rolled around, I learned that there were careers other than teaching and nursing and started to dream a little. The years went on and options were explored and doors were opened. A college major was declared and a college major was changed.
Today, I embarked on a journey having no idea where it will take me. Dressed in navy and ceil blue scrubs with my hair thrown up in a bun as messy as I could get it, I walked out of the classroom as a college graduate. Four years ago I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. Two years ago I wanted to be a dental hygienist. One and a half years ago, I wanted to be a dentist. One year ago, I wanted to be a dental hygiene instructor. In the past year, I have wanted to be a dental hygienist, dental hygiene instructor, dental assistant, dentist, dental product rep, advanced dental hygiene practitioner, and currently a dental hygienist.
Just as I left for my first day of school seventeen and a half years ago, today I step out into the world not knowing where this journey will take me, but with tenacity and trust in God I will take each day as it comes and the lessons it brings. I will walk courageously, meeting each challenge head-on. When I feel like all is for naught, I will look at my five year old self and remember that on that fall day, I did not know what I was to become, only what I was -- a student. My purpose then, as it is now, was to do my best, learn, and to believe that God has a plan for my life.
I am a college graduate. I am a student.