Sunday, February 4, 2007

Be my Builder

"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it....." Psalm 127:1

Have you ever tried to build a card house? You're gently placing the cards exactly where you think they should go. Everything is perfect as long as you keep an eye on it, but as soon as you turn around, it falls! And then, your big brother comes along, and shows you up.

Have you ever tried to build your own relationship? You work at it and work at it, but still it only falls. That's happened to me many times.

I want a home. I want a family of my own. Not my parents and brother, but I want to be the parent and the wife. But the psalmist tells me that unless I let God build that house for me, all my labors are in vain.

Father, I trust you to build my dream house. My beyond-my-wildest-dreams dream house. You have all the tools necessary, and I'm signing the contract.


Lisa said...

How sweet you have me linked. I have a new site now. Not writing on Morning Coffee but didn't want to delete it either.

Link me to

Can't wait to check out this site. I saw your blog when I was reading Joy's!! :)

Kev said...

Keep that focus, Amber. You're on the right path...